Voice-inside-your-head.jpg7 Simple Steps To Your Journey Right Now, May 12,2016

Don’t listen to that mocking little voice that tells you to be more realistic. Being realistic is the cornerstone of mediocracy.  Start changing your life today.


  1. Give Yourself permission to dream. Imagine what it would be like to…
  2. Write down your dream.  This is the Act of transforming your dream into a goal.  Wonderful things happen when you commit something to writing. I don’t fully understand how it works, but it works.  History shows us example after example of people that have done things that seemed impossible.
  3. Connect with what is at stake, This is your rationale.  It is a critical step that people often omit.  Before you can find your way, you must discover your why!  Why is this important to you?  What is at stake if you don’t discover your why?  What will you have to give up in order to achieve it? (This is your intellectual and emotional power) used by you to keep going when the path becomes difficult, and it will.
  4. Outline what would have to be true or ask yourself what would have to be true for my dream to become reality?  I would have to ..Start with your dream and work backwards
  5. Decide what you can do to affect the outcome.  (This is where you transition from the big picture to daily actions) People often get derailed here.  It’s OK not to be able to see all the steps you will take to realize your goal. You never see the full path.
  6. Determine when this will happen.  A goal is simply a dream that has a deadline.  A deadline is our way to make the dream more concrete, which is what thinking BIG is about.  A Deadline also creates a sense of urgency that motivates us to take action.  Force ourself to assign a “By When”, date to every goal.  If you get stuck, ask yourself, what’s the worst that could happen if I don’t hit this goal?
  7. Review your goals daily.  determine what you need to do today to move towards your goal.  This will give you lose focus, especially when your dreams look impossible.

When you hear, Be Realistic! just ignore it. You can either accept reality as it is or create it as you want it to be. You Can Think Bigger…No BIGGER!  Thinking Big Is Not a Gift, But a Skill.

You Create Your Own Reality is The Essence of Dreaming and Thinking Big, No BIGGER!


Casual Head Shot.jpg   Witten by Austin Richards, Wellness Coach

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Inspired by Michael Hyatt, “Platform, Get Noticed In A Noisy World”

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