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They are the foods most people would shun when hunger pangs strike, reaching for crisps, chocolate or chips instead. But for those wanting to lose weight – or lead a healthier lifestyle –

There are certain foods, that simply eating them burn more calories than they contain. They are known as ‘negative-calorie’ foods, giving into these foods is the perfect way to give into cravings without being assailed by feelings of guilt. Not making this list but has incredible nutritional value is Oatmeal 

Guilt-Free Foods Oatmeal Slide

What You Should Be Eating

Where can I get the Best Oatmeal?

From celery and cucumber to papaya and asparagus, these are the foods you can eat as much as you like – although embarking on a negative-calorie diet is not something that’s recommended by health experts and nutritionists.

1. Cucumbers

Made mostly of water, a cucumber is also a great source of vitamin C and is known to be able to reduce high levels of inflammation in the body. Calorie content:100g contains 16 calories

‘Cucumber contains ascorbic acid and caffeic acid help prevent water retention,’ Daisy Connor, nutritionist, said.

2. Asparagus

A good way to detox (it contains diuretic nutrients that can help remove toxins), eating asparagus can also help boost your metabolic rate.

As well as its pound-shedding properties, asparagus is also rich in folate which makes it an ideal food for pregnant women as folate can reduce the risk of life-threatening

conditions. Calorie content: 100g contains 20 calories

3. Cauliflower

It’s a current food trend with everything from rice, mash potato and pizza bases being made out of it.

But cauliflower has long been a friend of the dieter as it contains no fat, is high in Vitamin C and has such a strong flavor that it can stand alone on its own.

Eat it raw or lightly steamed so that it remains crunchy, which will take you longer to chew which will give your body the time to realize you’re full.

‘Cauliflower is also excellent source of fibre and vitamin K,’ Ms Connor said. Calorie content: 100g contains 25 calories

4. Celery

An obvious choice for most dieters, approximately 75 per cent of a celery stick is actually water. The other 25 per cent is fiber. The high water content of celery means that you will burn more calories eating it than it actually contains.

Calorie content: 100g contains 16 calories

5. Tomatoes

Bursting with flavor and full of lycopene, tomatoes are some of the best foods to include in your diet. As well as being low in calorie content, their health benefits increase when they are cooked.

Scientists said that cooked tomatoes can have the same benefits as statins for patients battling against high cholesterol levels or high blood pressure.

Calorie content: 100g contains 18 calories

They could be an ‘effective alternative’ to statins, the class of drugs commonly prescribed for these conditions which can lead to heart problems, according to a study.


  • And just two ounces of tomato paste or a pint of juice a day could be enough to help many people.
  • The secret lies in high levels of the compound lycopene which gives ripe tomatoes their bright red color.
  • This powerful anti-oxidant is essential for good health as it helps lower the risk of heart Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and lycopene which has lots of antioxidant action.

Daisy Connor, nutritionist aid: BONUS CONTENT

  • ‘The idea of a negative-calorie diet is rather misleading and potentially harmful. ‘Focusing solely on low-calorie foods as a means of losing weight may put one at risk of deficiency in fats and proteins, which are vital for health.’
  • ‘Having said that, each of the foods below has a part to play in a well-balanced diet, and anyone trying to lose weight will benefit from increasing the vegetable and fruit content of their diet,’ she continued.
  • ‘Focusing on increased nutrient content of meals – rather than purely the calorie content – can help to reduce cravings by meeting your body’s needs.’
  • ‘Positive benefits of these vegetables and fruits for your weight loss regime are that they are low calorie and high nutrient.
  • ‘Higher fibre content slows the energy release from your meal. Thermogenic compounds have a part to play in weight loss; thermogenesis is when the body uses stored fats as an energy source, creating heat,’ she said.
  • So the next time you feel like reaching out for a cookie or a potato chip, try celery, raw cauliflower or even an apple instead.

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